
How to Start a Publishing Company



この記事を読むのに必要な時間は約 4 分です。

In today’s age, it is easier than ever to start your very own publishing company. Even more so, because of digital rights and self-publishing authors, it is even more important that you incorporate.

Starting your own legitimate publishing business will help you protect yourself and your personal assets. It will help you in taxes and even help with sales by giving you and your books a new level of legitimacy.

Therefore, on this video, I am going to take you through the process of starting your only Limited Liability Corporation, S-Corp, or any other type of company that you want to start. Looking over my shoulder, you will see how I create my own Publishing Corporations and ensure I have maximum protection in my publishing business affairs.

Here are a couple of important links that I bring up in the video: : Will take you to the site My New Company and allow you to create your own business now.

If you would like more details about self-publishing and marketing your ebook, then check out More importantly, if you want more information about setting up your company, then check out the original article which include more details about the companies, what states you should look at and many more options that are out there.

Stay frosty my friends.






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