
📖 Getting Into Publishing & My Career So Far.



この記事を読むのに必要な時間は約 10 分です。

Today I’m chatting about how I got my first internships and jobs in publishing! Get the first 3 months of Skillshare for $0.99 👉 (valid until the end of January 2018)
Thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring this video!

It’s so hard to find info about working in publishing online, so I figure I’d share my story and a bit about my day to day activities in the different jobs I’ve had.

Everyone’s story and situation is different and the application processes and jobs also change over time, but I hope it’s still helpful.

If you have any questions or suggestions for future videos around this theme, leave them in a comment below!

Some classes to try out:

Excel Zero to Hero:

Writing Effective Emails for Email Marketing:

Beginners Photoshop (Using the Tools Panel, Cropping etc.):

Word Zero to Hero:

// m e

Check out my enamel book pin!

Follow what I’m reading on GoodReads.

Blog (travel, food & London)

// d e r p i n a m o d e

Cruelty-free beauty and lifestyle channel with Marion.

// c a p t i o n s

Help me out by contributing captions/subtitles on my videos. Thanks so much to everyone who’s already contributed! A guide:

// t a l k s & p a n e l s

I can give talks, moderate panels or appear on panels on a variety of topics, from BookTube to working with brands, how to start a YouTube channel, building your personal brand online, productivity, and much more. I can also host author Q&As, panels and other publishing events.

Get in touch at or visit my website for more info:

// s p o n s o r s h i p s

I’m available to work with brands, both on YouTube and on my other social channels (Twitter, Instagram, blog). Feel free to get in touch at

// f a q

Can you review my book?
I’m always happy to hear about upcoming books, but I’m afraid I don’t review self-published books and can only accept a small number of books for review. I enjoy reading classics, dystopian/apocalyptic novels, sci-fi, translated fiction and a variety of graphic novels, YA and contemporary literary fiction. Get in touch at

Where is your accent from?
I was born and raised in the Netherlands, studied English Lit at Leiden University (also in the Netherlands), studied in the US for 3 months and have lots of American friends. I’m definitely not Irish or Canadian, I promise!

Where do you live?
I live in London and have been here for 4 years now.

How did you get into publishing?
I did publishing work experience, did a lot of networking and learned everything I know about social media from creating and running this channel. (P.s. You don’t necessarily have to study Publishing or English to get a job in publishing!).






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