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http://www.bobjohnson.com — When your date and time are never right, even after you change it, you might need to replace your CMOS battery. Watch our how to video to learn the steps to complete this repair. Watch all the videos about this laptop: http://bit.ly/1idHZpI
Our goal is to offer Laptop how to fix and repair videos that feature common upgrades and repairs. Most repairs can be accomplished with only a screwdriver.
We upload a new repair video everyday.
Bob Johnson’s Computer Stuff Inc. has been in the business of repairing laptops and computers for over 15 years. Our technicians go through authorized training courses and are certified to repair any
make and model laptop. The laptops featured in our videos are actual units that are either being refurbished or repaired.
Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/11fsqsG
Visit our Youtube Channel: http://bit.ly/14VLpXI
Facebook Page: http://on.fb.me/12QohJY
Twitter: http://bit.ly/10qkVtX
Tips and Tricks Blog: http://bit.ly/16cbAxY
