この記事を読むのに必要な時間は約 3 分です。
Sorry about the production quality and my derpy-ness in this video as I had just worked 34 hours straight and working on no sleep after a server recovery!
This Thinkcentre M900 has been in production for a while now, as this is part of my “forgotten content”, and has been a good fit for our needs. So far 2 end users have called this there machine, and a 3rd used it part time and not one of them has complained about its performance. Highly recommended for those who need a SFF for non-graphics intensive work, but have a power use type needs.
Our endusers typically do basic office/email/web surfing on this rig, but often times they have a model or 2 running in the background while doing those tasks and the computer just chugs along!