
CyberLink PowerDirector 16 | HDR Effect Tutorial



この記事を読むのに必要な時間は約 7 分です。

CyberLink PowerDirector 16 HDR Effect Tutorial. This HDR Effect tutorial for CyberLink PowerDirector 16 Ultimate will show you how to apply high dynamic range effects to your videos in PowerDirector 16. This complete tutorial from PowerDirector University provides step by step instructions on how to use the HDR Effect. HDR reveals more details in the shadows and highlights by exposing the image multiple times to compensate for the limited dynamic range of your equipment. Glow strengthens or softens the glow. This setting is used to apply glow to highlights and shadows to color grade your videos. Edge strengthens or softens the lines. This setting can be used to show the details in edge lines in the highlights and shadows of your videos. Maliek shows you how to change the strength, radius, and balance to create great looks for your videos. This is a great tool for adding detail to your videos. Our tutorial helps you learn while having fun so you can improve your videos. The demonstration and tutorial will show you all you need to know to get it up and running quickly.

Music in this video:
Title: Future Focus Version B
Composer: Joshua Mosley
Album: MusicBOX Collection 2
Publisher: Digital Juice Music, INC.

The music in this video is royalty free and purchased from DigitalJuice.com I have the rights and license to use the songs.


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